Sunday 12 May 2019

Murder of Colonel Hugh Sutherland McGuigan, Khartoum, The Sudan, 1st March 1954

Rioters rush the palace gates, Khartoum,
1st March 1954

  • Name - Colonel Hugh Sutherland McGuigan (1917-1952)
  • Occupation - Chief of Police, Khartoum
  • Assassins -  Pro-Independence Rioters
  • Assassination Method - Stabbed & Bludgeoned
  • Place of Death - Governor's Palace, Khartoum, Sudan

Daily Mail; March 2nd 1954

The British police chief in Khartoum, 38-year-old Colonel Hugh Sutherland McGuigan, was knifed to death last night a few yards from the spot where General Gordon was murdered in 1885.
Tribesmen used knives, spears and clubs In the fighting which took place, and cars were overturned and trees uprooted. The area In front of the governor general's palace resembled a battleground with rioters and troops removing the dead and tending the wounded.
The 'Daily Express' Khartoum correspondent says that the Prime Minister of Sudan, Ismail El Azhari. asked the Egyptian president General Neguib, to return home to Egypt to avoid further bloodshed.
The premier is reported to have told Neguib his departure would avert further bloodshed after a day of rioting In which 30 people lost their lives and about 200 wounded.
Reuter's Khartoum correspondent says Negulb, who arrived yesterday for the opening of the Sudanese Parliament spent the night in the palace of Governor General Sir Robert Howe. He decided to return to Cairo today. Naguib and other guests at- the palace Including Selwyn Lloyd. British Minister of State, have the protection of British troops of the York and Lancaster Regiment, and soldiers of the Sudan defence force.
The 'Daily Mail's' Khartoum correspondent says the governor and his guests apparently are blockaded In the palace. Last night an urgent message on official palace stationery was delivered to Khartoum's Grand Hotel asking for large quantities of food to be sent up. 'Since we seem to be blockaded, and our supplies are running out,' It read. MOBS CLASH rival Sudanese mobs, for and against union with Egypt clashed In streets shortly after Negulb's arrival from Cairo. Police opened fire and used tear gas when hundreds of tribesmen of the Ansar sect, which supports the Jmma party independence policy, moved threateningly on the governor-general's palace on the banks of the Nile.
Seventeen policemen, including; police superintendent Mustafa El Mahdi, lost their lives. Police last night said 32 Jmma leaders were arrested, they included the party's assistant secretary general. The only Incident reported In defiance of the ban on demonstrations was the shooting of some members of the Ansar sect.
The death toll was 30 and consisted of 17 policemen and 13 civilians.
Most of the civilians came From the Ansar sect, which were led by the Mahdi. Some members of the Ansar sect were shot when they defied police orders. One of them died, and three others were seriously Injured. Apart from this shooting, no other incidents were reported.

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